Hard-to-Find References



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This page contains works which I cite frequently and which are difficult or impossible to find otherwise on the World-Wide Web and sometimes are not easy to find even in printed form.  This collection is meant to be only a resource for readers of my articles.





1968               “A Vector Approach to the Algebra of Rotations with Applications,”  Paul B.  Davenport, NASA Goddard Space  Flight Center, 1968. NASA TN D-4606, 32 pp.  



1969                 “SPARS Algorithms and Simulation Results,” D. C. Paulson, D. B. Jackson and  C. D. Brown, Proceedings of the Symposium on Spacecraft Attitude Determination, El Segundo, California, September--October 1969, Aerospace Corporation Report No.~TR-0066(5306)-12, September--October 1969. pp. 393–317.



1969               “SPARS: The System, Algorithms, and Test Results,'' N. F. Toda, J. L. Heiss and F. H. Schlee, Proceedings of the Symposium on Spacecraft Attitude Determination, El Segundo, California, September--October 1969, Aerospace Corporation Report No.~TR-0066(5306)-12, September--October 1969. pp. 361–370.



1977               “Analysis of Least Squares Attitude Determination Routine (DOAOP),” J. Keat, Computer Sciences Corporation, 1977, CSC/TM-77/6034, 117 pp.



1978                  “Algorithms for Determining Optimal Attitude Solutions,” M. D. Shuster, Computer Sciences Corporation, 1978, CSC/TM-78/6056, 77 pp.  



1979               Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control: “Errata,” James R. Wertz, 1979.



1985               “Um procedimenfo para determinação da atitude de satéllites artificiais utilizando técnicas de estimação ótima estática e dinâmica, Atas, 6º Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Belo Horizonte, 1986, p. 946–951.



1987               “NASA QUEST FORTRAN Code,” M. D. Shuster (1979), modified by  F. L. Markley (1987).



1996               “EULER-2 and EULER-n Algorithms for Attitude Determination from Vector Observations,” Daniele Mortari, Space Technology, Vol. 16, Nos. 5 and 6, 1996, pp. 317–321.  



1999               “Attitude Determination Using Two Vector Measurements,” F. Landis Markley, Proceedings, Flight Mechanics Symposium, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, May 1999, NASA Conference Publication NASA/CP-1999-209235, pp. 39–52.